Sorry for being a week late on this blog. I had some medical issues. Attachment theory and classification was at the core of my PhD Dissertation research. At the time, I was not aware of my own DID. I knew that I could not classify my own attachment as secure, but I didn’t think that… Continue reading Attachment and DID
Author: Cherie
Religion & DID
My becoming whole in the light and warmth of the Son began with a very negative and frightening view of God. Demands for perfectionism at home and at church made it difficult for me to feel safe. A Childhood of Perfectionism I was raised in a Christian home where keeping the commandments, going to church,… Continue reading Religion & DID
Therapy Takes Courage
Therapy takes courage. One is generally brought to therapy because of a personal crisis or because of suffering significant unresolvable emotional or physical pain. In therapy you begin a serious journey of self discovery. It feels vulnerable to reveal your weaknesses and personal problems to another. It is difficult to accept how you have been… Continue reading Therapy Takes Courage
Why Children Fracture
Why do children fracture into alter egos? Dissociative Identity Disordere (DID) begins in young childhood. Today you will find a growing body of literature and research regarding the relationship between trauma and abuse in young children and DID later in life. Attachment disorganization and/or trauma in young children is also related to DID. Even neurobiological… Continue reading Why Children Fracture